Aaaaah.. the things we think up on "HOPE" trips... I think this was the best part of that whole thing...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Meet Lance.

Lance. He's just too cool. Originally a dog, he's now a dog/unicorn/elk/bighorned sheep/reg. sheep/monkey/cat/Pegasus (or bird... but Peggy is cooler)/monkey/bunny hybrid. And yes, that little yippy rat, ah-dog, was annoying Lance. Be warned rats!


Blogger Bluemoon said...

You are just uninformed on the ways of the randomist.

8:33 PM

Blogger Bluemoon said...

Some computer...

It's to make sure you don't get ppl advertizing or trying to get you to go places.

6:33 PM

Blogger Bluemoon said...

And you are way off on all that people being mauled to death stuff... how do you know that that ISN'T randomism? *eeiry eery... hgowever u spell it music playing* Jk... it's not, but I have NO clue what your talking about...

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

then thy must change thy definition of thy randomisim thy language

this is not she actually short?

3:34 PM

Blogger Bluemoon said...

I did not make up that definition of randomism, who the heck are you?, and ask shortstuff899 yourself - she made it up! =^)

3:37 PM

Blogger Bluemoon said...

Not meaning to be mean or anything...

3:38 PM


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